Activate your own inner healing power
Our body has far more power to heal itself than we know. The experience of transcending creates the ideal condition to activate the body's innate healing power. Fortunately this is a lot easier than previously thought, as confirmed by 600 scientific research studies, 6 million people practicing TM worldwide. It only requires the right technique and proper training.
True meditation is easy. Anyone can learn it, it’s enjoyable, natural and very effective. Most people think that meditation involves some kind of mind control, forcing the mind to be quiet through some kind of concentration (on the breath, a sound, or “being in the now”). Concentration goes against the nature of the mind, and is hardly enjoyable. TM however is extremely easy and pleasant.

Transcending = Much more than relaxation
Meditation is becoming more and more popular to manage stress but the true experience of transcending has a far more profound effect than just relaxation. Unfortunately, the knowledge of how to easily transcend had been lost to the world until recently. The ancient texts from the oldest tradition of knowledge in the world describe transcending as a supreme human experience, essential for our full human development. Today, we can confirm this, through modern science, by measuring what happens in the body and particularly the brain during the practice of Transcendental Meditation. We see –
1. A profound state of rest: much deeper than ordinary relaxation, even deeper than sleep.
2. Inner happiness: clearly measurable through increase of happiness hormones
3. Holistic brain development: measurable through EEG brain wave coherence measurements.
Transcending = Deep Rest
When the mind transcends the finest impulse of thought, it comes into a state of complete inner silence. This happens in a completely natural and effortless way. We can’t try to make the mind silent, nor do we have to. With the right technique, the mind will go there by itself.
Mind and body go together, and where one goes the other has to follow. During this deep state of mental rest the body will also come into a deep state of physical relaxation. This state of rest has been measured to be significantly deeper than ordinary relaxation or eyes closed rest, often even deeper than the rest during sleep.
This deep rest can easily be objectively measured. This graph shows the average results in effect size of no less than 30 studies, performed around the world over 15 years. It shows that during TM practice respiratory rate, a measure of relaxation, goes down far more than during eyes closed rest. Other measures of relaxation, like basal skin conductance and the stress hormone plasma lactate, show similar decreases that indicate a far deeper rest than ordinary relaxation.Ref.
This deep rest activates the inner healing power in our own bodies. Relaxation means relaxing tensions. The body has a completely natural way to remove tensions that it accumulates. This is what we happens during sleep but the rest during sleep doesn’t always go deep enough to remove more deeply-rooted, traumatic stresses. Transcending gives a level of rest that can help dissolve those deeper rooted stresses.
Sometimes, the results can be most dramatic with those who need it most. A recent study with US Iraq War veterans showed a 50% reduction in PTSD and depression after only 8 weeks of TM practice. Ref. The results were so impressive that CNN TV did a feature on it on US Veteran’s Day.
This was a confirmation of earlier research with Vietnam war veterans that was done 25 years ago where the TM group saw such significant improvements (in PTSD, anxiety, depression, insomnia, alcoholism, family problems etc.) that, after only 3 months of practice, 70% of the war veterans required no further treatment. The control group that received standard psychotherapy showed no improvement.Ref.
These war veterans have problems that go far deeper than most people. If TM can help them, where all other approaches failed, it can probably help anybody.
The video below shows several more examples of just how powerful TM can be for those who are suffering from traumatic stress. It also shows why more and more scientists, educators, celebrities and governmental institutions are supporting the TM technique.

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In search of Happiness
Stress disturbs the normal functioning of the brain, causing, amongst other things, a decrease in the production of the “happiness hormone,” serotonin. A lack of serotonin influences not only our inner sense of happiness but is also associated with migraines, sleep disorders, anxiety, anger outbursts, Alzheimer’s, eating disorders, addictions and many others. One can try to influence serotonin artificially (as anti-depressants seem to do) but this only treats the symptoms, not the real problem. The experience of transcending, on the other hand, activates the body’s own healing ability so that the brain can function normally.
The result? A completely natural increase in serotonin production during the TM practice and eventually a stabilization of higher levels even outside of meditation.Ref. This has implications in all areas of life as can be seen on this site.
Transcending = Measurable Brain Development
Transcending not only has an effect on our health, our well-being, our self-esteem and our relationships but it also influences brain development, even in adults, whose brains are supposed to already be fully developed. How can a simple experience affect the brain in a way that was previously hard to credit, such as increased IQ and creativity in adults etc?
But the effects themselves are clearly measurable, for example through EEG coherence.
Every time a part of our brain is active, the electrical activity can be measured through an electroencephalogram (EEG) and the results can be displayed as a waveform. Nowadays, one can send two of these waveforms from different parts of the brain to a computer and mathematically calculate the extent to which these waves are similar, or coherent. A high coherence means that these different parts of the brains work together as one whole.
Transcending is essentially the experience of unity. This is directly measurable in the brain. Here’s a video where you can see how EEG coherence rises to a maximum during the TM practice in real-time.

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The more we have this experience of high EEG coherence, the more our brains get used to optimal functioning. As a consequence, EEG coherence outside of the TM practice rises also. A higher EEG coherence is associated with higher IQ, more creativity, more emotional stability, better reflexes, and more ethical thinking, etc.
How can I learn to transcend?
Real meditation is effortless and pleasant to do, it can be learned by anyone, and gives immediate results.
The experience of transcending can be achieved only in a completely natural and effortless way. It is an experience of complete, inner silence that cannot be achieved by trying to be quiet. The more we try, the more we keep the mind active. Trying to relax is a contradiction in terms. That is why most “meditation” methods that require concentration have limited effect.
The Transcendental Meditation technique is taught individually, by a professionally trained teacher who is able to lead a person, in a completely natural way, to the experience of transcending.
If one has had this experience once, then the mind remembers it and, afterwards, it can go back there spontaneously, in a totally natural and effortless way, provided that one uses the correct technique. This technique is taught step by step, during four consecutive meetings. This initial training course is followed by a extensive program of follow-up meetings to ensure continued correct practice.
Do you have 1 hour to discover how everything can change?
Through these links, you can find more information on what TM is and how it works and how you can learn TM. The first step, however, is simply to attend a free, no-obligation information seminar. During these seminars, you’ll hear in more detail how the TM technique actually works and what you can expect from it. Select your nearest TM center on the map below to reserve your seat for a free info seminar.
Some Successful TM practitioners

What people are saying

“Transcendental Meditation has opened up a new world of good health and well-being for me. I am so much more in control of my life and realise that there is something I can do to reduce my stress levels and feel more relaxed. It is such a blessing — I am grateful to have found it.”
Aisling Drury-Byrne, Royal Irish Academy of Music, Musician & Teacher

“The best thing I ever did in my life was to learn TM as an architectural student in 1973. I have benefitted in a multitude of ways from it’s simple, easy practice. In the morning, when I sit down to practise TM, it’s as if I receive a mental bath. Having more energy and clarity as a result of my TM practice, I am able to give and receive more, not only in my professional life, but in my personal life also.”
Peter Mullins, Architect

“As a musician, I feel that it helps me to perform better and as a teacher, it allows me to approach the classroom in a relaxed state of mind which, I believe, in turn has a positive effect on my students. I would highly recommend TM to anyone who is looking for an easy and effective way to bring balance into all aspects of their lives.”
Rachel Robinson, Musician & Teacher

“I encourage all my patients to practice Transcendental Meditation. Experience Shows and research confirms, that it is the best vaccine against stress-related conditions. Regular practice keeps you inwardly settled despite being surrounded by chaos.”
Dr Donn Brennan (MRCGP), General Practitioner.

“Having practised TM and the TM Sidhi Programme for 27 years I find it hard to describe the magnitude of change it has brought to my life other than to say it has changed everything ; in a phrase perhaps it has made me a completely happy and enriched person enjoying all aspects of life.”
Derek Crampton, Businessman
Learn Transcendental Meditation in Westport
Westport Family and Community Resource Centre, Fairgreen, Westport, Co. Mayo Click here for map
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Westport TM Center
Westport Family and Community Resource Centre, Fairgreen, Westport, Co. Mayo

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TM: the experience
1. Transcending = Being your Self 2. Activating the healing power of your body 3. Deep inner happiness and peace 4. The highest human experience 5. Develops full brain potential 6. The fastest way to a better worldLearn more about the Transcendental Meditation Technique
Disclaimer: Transcendental Meditation technique is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding any medical condition. Individual results may vary. You should never stop a conventional treatment without consultation with your doctor. Also no results can be guaranteed as individual results may vary.
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