Peter Mullins

“The best thing I ever did in my life was to learn TM as an architectural student in 1973. I have benefitted in a multitude of ways from it’s simple, easy practice. In the morning, when I sit down to practise TM, it’s as if I receive a mental bath. Having more energy and clarity as a result of my TM practice, I am able to give and receive more, not only in my professional life, but in my personal life also.”

Aisling Drury Byrne

“Transcendental Meditation has opened up a new world of good health and well-being for me. I am so much more in control of my life and realise that there is something I can do to reduce my stress levels and feel more relaxed. It is such a blessing — I am grateful to have found it.”

Tanell Pretorius

“Learning TM has been the greatest thing I have ever done for myself. It has lifted a fog from me and has made me clearer about my desires and my life. It keeps me feeling relaxed and healthy. I have more patience, compassion and understanding for myself and others and it has given me a feeling of deep stable happiness. There is nothing I could recommend more highly in this life!”

William Hague has practiced TM for 30 years

William HagueIn a newspaper interview with The Times (17-4-10), British Foreign Secretary William Hague revealed that he has been practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique for over 30 years. He said that he always clears twenty minutes for TM twice a day from his busy schedule for a very practical reason: “It calms me down, I have less headaches, and I sleep better.”

Martin Scorcese


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Martin Scorcese is one of the most famous film makers of our time. Mr. Scorcese learned Transcendent Meditation a few years ago and had such a good personal experience with it that he now supports the technique publicly, as in this video that was aired for the David Lynch Foundation’s initiative to help war veterans to overcome PTSD.

What the Media is saying about TM

What people are saying

“Transcendental Meditation has opened up a new world of good health and well-being for me. I am so much more in control of my life and realise that there is something I can do to reduce my stress levels and feel more relaxed. It is such a blessing — I am grateful to have found it.”

Aisling Drury-Byrne, Royal Irish Academy of Music, Musician & Teacher

“The best thing I ever did in my life was to learn TM as an architectural student in 1973. I have benefitted in a multitude of ways from it’s simple, easy practice. In the morning, when I sit down to practise TM, it’s as if I receive a mental bath. Having more energy and clarity as a result of my TM practice, I am able to give and receive more, not only in my professional life, but in my personal life also.”

Peter Mullins, Architect

“As a musician, I feel that it helps me to perform better and as a teacher, it allows me to approach the classroom in a relaxed state of mind which, I believe, in turn has a positive effect on my students. I would highly recommend TM to anyone who is looking for an easy and effective way to bring balance into all aspects of their lives.”

Rachel Robinson, Musician & Teacher

“I encourage all my patients to practice Transcendental Meditation. Experience Shows and research confirms, that it is the best vaccine against stress-related conditions. Regular practice keeps you inwardly settled despite being surrounded by chaos.”

Dr Donn Brennan (MRCGP), General Practitioner.

“Having practised TM and the TM Sidhi Programme for 27 years I find it hard to describe the magnitude of change it has brought to my life other than to say it has changed everything ; in a phrase perhaps it has made me a completely happy and enriched person enjoying all aspects of life.”

Derek Crampton, Businessman